Thank you to everyone who answered the questions to the previous post. Here are the answers to the hiragana section: 1) ai (あい) love 2) ue (うえ) on 3) akai (あかい) red 4) eki (えき) station 5) sushi (すし) sushi 6) sake (さけ) sake 7) koi (こい) carp fish iie (いいえ) no 9) aoi (あおい) blue/green 10) sai (さい) years old. Now the katakana section: 1) kisu (キス) kiss 2) keei (ケーキ) cake 3) ia (イア) ear 4) kiui (キウイ) kiwi 5) ea (エア) air 6) kea (ケア) care 7) saiko (サイコ) pyscho kaa (カー) car 9) sukii (スキー) ski 10) sukai (スカイ) sky
Once again, here are all the list of syllables you will need to do this next exercise. The hiragana is provided first and the katakana is provided second.
ta - (た)(タ)
chi - (ち)(チ)
tsu - (つ)(ツ)
te - (て)(テ)
to - (と)(ト)
na - (な)(ナ)
ni - (に)(ニ)
nu - (ぬ)(ヌ)
ne - (ね)(ネ)
no - (の)(ノ)
For this exercise, transcribe these letters into hiragana. All the characters you will need are provided in today’s list of syllables and the syllables of the last post. 1) neko 2) nani 3) tako 4) hai 5) fuufu 6) naka 7) nou hako 9) haha 10) hana
The list for katakana. 1) tesuto 2) nau 3) naito 4) naisu 5) nuudo 6) nou 7) tai tafu 9) hai 10) tsuu
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Ok, so let’s do some hiragana (ひらがな) and katakana (かたかな) practice. First I’ll give you all the characters you need to do for this exercise. Just remember that the hiragana (ひらがな) is writen first. The katakana (かたかな) is provided after the hiragana (ひらがな)
a - (あ)(ア)
i - (い)(イ)
u - (う)(ウ)
e - (え)(エ)
o - (お)(オ)
ka - (か)(カ)
ki - (き)(キ)
ku - (く)(ク)
ke - (け)(ケ)
ko - (こ)(コ)
sa - (さ)(サ)
shi - (し)(シ)
su - (す)(ス)
se - (せ)(セ)
so - (そ)(ソ)
Here’s the assignment: write these words into hiragana (ひらがな) in the comments section. The only rule is this: you can do any of the words, but each person can only do a maximum of 5 words. There is no minimum. 1) ai 2) ue 3) akai 4) eki 5) sushi 6) sake 7) koi� iie 9) aoi 10) sai
and write these words into katakana (かたかな) in the comments section. The only rule is this: you can do any of the words, but each person can only do a maximum of 5 words. There is no minimum. Here’s a hint: if you see two consecutive vowels use ー. 1) kisu 2)keeki 3) ia 4) kiui 5) ea 6) kea 7) saiko� kaa 9) sukii 10) sukai
Peserta adalah seluruh perwakilan kota / kabupaten.
Perlengkapan lomba disediakan oleh panitia
Sebelum lomba akan diadakan peragaan oleh native
Tulisan yang akan dilombakan adalah : 朝日が出る
Ukuran kertas adalah 216 mm x 1000 mm
Waktu yang disediakan adalah 1 jam( 15 menit peragaan, 45 menit lomba.)
Peserta menyerahkan 1 hasil terbaik dari 4 kertas yang diberikan
Point yang dinilai adalah :
Point tertinggi adalah 400
Perolehan point kontingen adalah nilai akumulasi peserta
II. Role Play
1.Peserta adalah seluruh perwakilan Kota / Kabupaten.
2.Perlengkapan lomba disediakan sendiri oleh peserta
3.Sebelum lomba harus menyerahkan skrip / naskah skenario Role Play ke panitia dengan alamat : Mr. Iwata Toshikazu Apartement Parama Indah Jl. Bukit Indah No 2 Gombel Semarang
4.Pengiriman Skrip paling lambat 27 Mei 2009
5.Tema Role Play disesuaikan dengan jurusan peserta, atau memilih 1 tema dari yang sudah disodorkan di petunjuk / kisi-kisi.
6.Skrip / naskah boleh ditulis tangan yang mudah dibaca atau diketik.
7.Skrip / naskah boleh ditulis dengan kana atau romaji.
8.Waktu yang disediakan adalah 15 menit ( tidak termasuk persiapan )
9.Urutan penampilan disesuaikan dengan hasil undian.
10.Point yang di nilai adalah:
oPilihan kata / pola kalimat
oKerja sama tim
oAlat Pendukung ( Alat, Pakaian, dll )
11.Point tertinggi tim adalah 400
III. Wawancara
1.Dilakukan setelah Role play selesai;
2.Pertanyaan yang diajukan juri dalam bahasa Jepang;
3.Pertanyaan ditujukan kepada tim, bukan perorangan;
4.Materi yang ditanyakan adalah seputar Role play;
5.Pertanyaan dijawab oleh tim setelah berunding/ salah satu peserta;
6.Waktu yang disediakan adalah 5 menit;
7.Jumlah pertanyaan ditentukan oleh juri;
8.Point yang dinilai adalah kesesuaian jawaban dengan pertanyaan;
IV. Rodoku (Membaca)
1.Peserta adalah seluruh perwakilan kota / kabupaten;
2.Perlengkapan lomba disediakan oleh panitia;
3.Sebelum lomba akan diadakan undian urutan penampilan;
4.Materi yang dibaca adalah wacana bahasa Jepang modern;
5.Tulisan materi berkarakter hiragana dan katakana;
6.Peserta membaca satu bacaan dari 4 bacaan yang disediakan;
7.Peserta mengambil undian bacaan yang akan dibaca;
8.Waktu yang disediakan adalah 3 menit persiapan dan 5 menit pelaksanaan;
9.Point yang dinilai adalah :
oIntonasi ( pemenggalan kata, irama,dll)
10.Point tertinggi adalah 300;
11.Perolehan point kontingen adalah nilai akumulasi peserta.
1.Tim adalah seluruh perwakilan Kota / Kabupaten;
2.Materi adalah pelajaran bahasa Jepang dasar, umum dan budaya Jepang;
3.Buku sumber merujuk Nihongo 1 The Japan Foundation dan Kamus Istilah Masyarakat dan Kebudayaan Jepang karangan Drs.Sudjianto,M.Hum.;
4.Kisi-kisi soal sudah dikirimkan ke Dinas Pendidikan / MKKS kota/kabupaten;
5.Bentuk soal berupa Pilihan Ganda (audio-visual) dan jawab langsung;
6.Semua tim hanya menjalani 1 babak, tidak ada babak penyisihan-final;
7.Penempatan babak dan regu ditentukan oleh hasil undian;
8.Tidak ada penentuan pemenang.
9.Pertanyaan dibagi ke dalam pertanyaan wajib (nilai 100,50 dan 0), pertanyaan 25) dan rebutan (100 dan minus100).à50à75àlemparan (100
10.Pertanyaan wajib diperbolehkan ‘pass’ untuk menuju soal berikutnya dan akan kembali diulang apabila waktu masih ada.
11.Penilaian LCC didasarkan atas perolehan peringkat yaitu :
oUntuk peringkat I mendapat Point 400
oUntuk peringkat II mendapat Point 300
oUntuk peringkat III mendapat Point 200
oUntuk peringkat IV mendapat Point 100
Written by Panitia Lomba Bahasa Jepang GPBN
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Waktu dan Tempat
Waktu : 30 Mei – 2 Juni 2009 Tempat : SMK Negeri 2 ( SMEA Negeri 1 ) Semarang Jl Dr. Cipto 121 A Semarang Tlp 0248455757
Hari I , Sabtu 30 Mei 2009
Daftar Ulang/ Check In
Jam : 09.00 – 14.00 WIB Tempat : Desk Lomba Bahasa Jepang (bertanda Gambar Bendera Jepang) SMK Negeri 2 ( SMEA Negeri 1 ) Semarang Jl Dr. Cipto 121 A Semarang Tlp 0248455757 Keterangan: Membawa Kelengkapan Persyaratan Peserta Membayar Biaya Gotong Royong sebesar Rp 100.000,- / kontingen Menerima Informasi tempat penginapan, tanda peserta / pembimbing
Acara Pembukaan Jam : 14.00 – 16.00 WIB Tempat : SMK Negeri 2 ( SMEA Negeri 1 ) Semarang Jl Dr. Cipto 121 A Semarang Tlp 0248455757
Technical Meeting Jam : 16.00-17.00 (Setelah Acara Pembukaan) Tempat : Ruang Lomba Bahasa Jepang Peserta : Pembimbing dan atau peserta
Hari II , Minggu 31 Mei 2009
08.00 – 10.00 : Shodou 10.00 – 12.00 : Role Play + Wawancara 12.00 – 13.00 : Ishoma 13.00 – 17.30 : Role Play + Wawancara ( lanjutan )
Sekihan (赤飯) is “red bean rice.” The rice is usually steamed with azuki (アズキ) beans. The azuki (アズキ) beans are dark red. When the beans are steamed with the rice, the color leeks into the rice, forming a pinkish color on the rice. Sometimes red food coloring is added to enhance the color. On top, the sekihan (赤飯) is sprinkled with gomasio (ごま塩). Gomasio (ごま塩) is a dry mixture of goma (ごま) or seasame seeds, and shio (塩) or salt.
Long ago, sekihan (赤飯) was served when a girl first got her period. The pink/red color of the rice is supposed to represent fertility. Nowadays, sekihan (赤飯) is served for special occasions, like birthdays, weddings, and graduations. The color red also represents happiness. Sekihan (赤飯) is usually served on happy occasions.
Sekihan (赤飯) is really easy to make. Take about three cups of glutinous rice, 1 tbsp of salt, 1/4 cup of azuki beans and three cups of water. 1/4 cup of food coloring is optional. Cook everything until the rice and beans are soft. It’ll probably take around 30 minutes. Then sprinkle the top with seasame seeds and some salt.
zakaya (居酒屋) is a place that serves food and drinks. I wouldn’t go so far as to call an izakaya (居酒屋) a restaurant. It’s more of a mini bar that serves food. It’s a place frequented by a lot of office workers called saraii man (サラリーマン) or salary man. It’s packed in the evenings. Workers go there to unleash all the stress they’ve repressed at work. Sometimes co-workers go there to complain about their boss and some heavy drinking may follow afterwards.
Izakayas (居酒屋) are noticeable by the paper lanterns that hang just outside the store. Some of the lanterns are red, and are called akachoochin (あかちょうちん) or red lanterns. The lanterns are meant to attract people to the store.
Some izakayas (居酒屋) are traditional and have tatami (たたみ) mats as seating. A tatami (たたみ) is a mat made by strips of straw woven together. Others are more Western and have stool chairs seen in Western bars.
Before you order, you’ll be offered a oshibori (おしぼり). An oshibori (おしぼり) is a moist white towel to wipe your hands before you eat. It’s a standard service offered at many izakayas (居酒屋). Typically a steaming, hot oshibori (おしぼり) is served in the winter, and a cold one is offered in the summer. Here’s an etiquette tip: don’t use the oshibori (おしぼり) to wipe the sweat off your forehead. I know it can get really hot in the summer, but it’s considered bad manners to wipe your forehead when you’re about to eat. If you really have to wipe off some sweat, bring your own handkerchief and dab your forehead gently.
Before I go, I just want to mention how convenient the menus are for foreign customers. The menus have pictures of the dish. This way, you know what you’re getting. A lot of the dishes are offered in larger quantities at discount prices. It’s a great place to go with a group of friends and share a large bowl of each food you’ve ordered.
Midori no Hi (みどりの日) is Greenary Day. Greenary Day is kind of like Arbor Day or Earth Day and occurs every May 4th. It’s a day to respect nature and to spend time outdoors. People take family outings to public gardens and take a stroll in the fields. Of course, the majority of people just like to have the day off from work.
This whole day originated from the desire to name it after the late Emperor Shoowa (昭和天皇). However, the Emperor isn’t so popular in other countries, so the Japanese government felt it would be best just to name it Greenary Day. Supposedly the Emperor loved plants and so the day is supposed to indirectly refer to the Emperor.
Well turns out that the government decided to name a day after the Emperor, and just added Greenary Day for Golden Week. Golden Week or gooluden uiiku (ゴールデンウィーク) is sometimes called Oogata renkyuu (大型連休) or Oogun Shuukan (黄金週間). Golden Week (ゴールデンウィーク) describes a string of holidays that provide people the opportunity to travel or take a vacation from work.
Golden Week (ゴールデンウィーク) is a busy time in Japan. Many of the flights are booked and filled to capacity. If you do manage to get a ticket around this time, it’s going to be way more expensive than any other normal time of the year. One piece of advice I can give you, is that it’s a good idea to book a flight early. That way you don’t have to compete for a seat and pay outrageous prices for it.
A1 : Chirachapu no 1 dai senmon koukou sei, Weni san
B :Kankoukyaku (Eva-san)
Nihon no ryokousha wa Chirachapu ni houmon shimasu. Teruku penyu kaigan to bentengu pendemu e ryokou suru mae ni Chirachapu no Chiputorini hoteru de tomarimasu.
Chiputorini hoteru de.
A: Konnichiwa. Irasshaimase.
B : Konnichiwa. Heya o yoyakushitain desu ga…
A : Nan paku desu ka.
B : Kyou kara ni haku desu.
A : Hai, o-heya wa sutandaado to derakkusu ga atte. Dochira ga ii desu yo ka.
B : Sutandaado wa ikura desu ka.
A : Shoushou omachi kudasai. Ippaku nijuugoman rupia desu.
B : Hai., kore o kudasai.
A : Sumimasen ga. O-namae wa nan desu ka.
B : Yoshio Yamada desu.
A : Hai. Kore wa 157 ban no heya no kagi desu. Douzo. Oyasuminasai
B : Doumo.
Tsugi no hi
A : Ohayou gozaimasu Yamada-san.
B: Ohayou.
A: Oyasumi wa dou desu ka.
B: Totemo yokatta desu. Tokoro de teruku penyu kaigan wa koko kara chikai desu ka.
A : Hai, sou desu yo. Ikitain desu ka.
B : Hai. Asoko kara nani ga miraremasu ka.
A : Asa no kaigan no keshiki o nagamerarete tsuna o asobarete, utsukushii Nusakambangan shima o miraremasu.
B : Asoko e douyatte ikimasu ka.
A : Koko kara dete hidarigawa ni magatte, massuguikuto san saro ga arimasu. Soshite migi e magatte, THR teruku penyu mon made ite kudasai.
B : Hai, wakarimashita.
Doumo arigatou.
A : Iie.
Teruku penyu kaigan de.
B: A, tsukimashita.
Kono kaigan wa hontou ni utsukushii desu ne. Ara, are wa nami no shibuki ga arimasu Ikou..
B : Wa……..koko kara no houga. Motto motto utsukushii desu. Shashin o totta hou ga ii desu yo
Shasin o totte kara, Yamada- san wa kaigan de suwarimasu. Soshite, senmon koukousei ga Yamada-san ni chikazukimasu.
A1: A, ano hito wa Nihon-jin no you ni mite imasu.
Sumimasen ga, koko de suwatte mo ii desu ka.
B: A, douzo.
A1: Hajimemashite, Chiracapu no 1 dai senmon koukousei no Weni desu. Kankou gakka desu. Douzo yoroshiku. Anata no namae ga shitte mo ii desu ka.
B : Yamada desu. Kochira koso.
A1: Yamada-san wa hitori de ryokou shimasu ka.
B: Hai, sou desu.
A1: Itsu Chiracapu ni tsukimashita ka.
B: Kinou tsukimashita.
A1: Chiracapu o houmon suru no mokuteki wa nan desu ka.
B: Chiracapu no koto ga Jakaruta no toraberu to yonda hon kara shitte imasu.
A1: Sou desu ka. tokoro de donna kankouchi ga mou houmon shimashita ka.
B: Koko de kitabakari desu. Anou..are wa Nusakambangan shima desu ka.
A1: Hai, sou desu.
B: Asoko de, nani ga miraremasu ka.
A1: Nusakambangan shima wa keimusho no shima to moushimasu. Dakara asoko de keimusho no ken ga arimasu. Asoko mo omoshiroi kankouchi ga arimasu. Tatoeba, shirotsuna no kaigan, horaana, kankou no mori desu. Asoko e ikitai desu ka.
B: Iie, ikitakunai desu. Kono atari ni hoka no omiyage-ya ga arimasu ka
A1: Hai arimasu Watashi ni yoru to asoko e itta hou ga ii desu yo.
B: Aa… Omoshiro sou desu ne. Issho ni ikimasen ka.
A1: Hai, ikimashou
Omiyage ya e ikimasu
A1: Koko wa omiyage ya desu. Douzo.
B: Arigatou.
Waa.. Kore ga totemo kawaii desu ne… Nan desu ka
A1: Sore wa kai de tezaiku desu. Kau to omoimasu ka.
B: Hai, tomodachi ni katte agemasu. Doko de haraimasu ka.
A1: Anou… achira desu. Chiracapu no yumei na tabemono ga ippai arimasu yo…Siritai desu ka.
B: Ee… sono yumei na tabemono wa nan desu ka
A1: Chiracapu no yumei na tabemono wa kurupukku tengiri ya shio zakana nado ga
B: Doko de kaemasu ka.
A1: Anou mise e ikimashou.
B: Hai, ikimasu.
A1: Ja, kore waChiracapu no yumei na tabemono desu. Kore wa kurupukku tengiri to kore wa shio zakana desu.
B : Kurupukku tengiri. Nan de tsukurimashita ka.
A1: Kurupukku tengiri wa komakai sawaro ga tokona o maze awaserarete, choumiryou o
kuwaeraretemasu. Sunawachi, koshou, tamanegi, kukui no mito aji wa desu. Tabete
mitai desu ka.
B: E... Ii desu ka.
A1: Hai, douzo. Ikaga desu ka.
B: Oishii desu ne. Ikura desu ka.
A1: Hitotsu tsumi wa yon sen rupia desu.
B: Sore ja, gotsu tsumi o kudasai. Kore… okane wa…
A1: Hai, sore kara, nani o shimasu ka
B: Mou ni ji desu. Hoteru e kaeru to omoimasu.
A1: Doko de tomatte imasu ka
B: Ciputorini hoteru de tomatte imasu.
A1: A... sou desu ka. Koko kara amari tokunai desu kara, annaishimasen ka.
B: Iie, daijoubu desu. A, kore…. watashi no imeeru desu. Itsuka imeeru de yarimashou…
Sore jaa, sayounara ne, Rani-san…
A1: Hai. Ki o tsukete kudasai. Sayounara
Yamada-san wa Ciputorini e ikimasu.
Hoteru ni touchaku shimasu.
A: Konnichi wa Yamada-san. Tsuaa ga dou desu ka.
B: Tottemo omoshirokatta desu ga, tsukaremashita.
A: Dewa, douzo go yukkuri. Kore wa oheya no kagi desu.
B: Doumo.
A: Dou itashimashite.
Shawa o abite, asa shoukuji o shite kara, Yamada-san wa furonto e chekku ooto ni kimasu.
Furonto de.
A: Yamada- san, ohayou gozaimasu.
B : Ohayou. Chekku ooto o shimasu. Kore wa o-heya no kagi desu.
A : Hai, shoushou o machi kudasai.
Omataseshimashita. Koko de sain o shite kudasai. Kore ga (harawa nakereba)
(naranai) ryoukin desu.
B : Hai,. Kore …okane wa…
A : Kono hoteru ni houmon suru koto ga doumo arigatou gozaimashita.
Negawakuba itsuka mou aeru koto ga dekimasu. Ki o tsukete kudasai.