Monday, May 25, 2009

More on Hiragana Katakana

Thank you to everyone who answered the questions to the previous post. Here are the answers to the hiragana section: 1) ai (あい) love 2) ue (うえ) on 3) akai (あかい) red 4) eki (えき) station 5) sushi (すし) sushi 6) sake (さけ) sake 7) koi (こい) carp fish 8) iie (いいえ) no 9) aoi (あおい) blue/green 10) sai (さい) years old. Now the katakana section: 1) kisu (キス) kiss 2) keei (ケーキ) cake 3) ia (イア) ear 4) kiui (キウイ) kiwi 5) ea (エア) air 6) kea (ケア) care 7) saiko (サイコ) pyscho 8) kaa (カー) car 9) sukii (スキー) ski 10) sukai (スカイ) sky

Once again, here are all the list of syllables you will need to do this next exercise. The hiragana is provided first and the katakana is provided second.

ta - ()()

chi - ()()

tsu - ()()

te - ()()

to - ()()

na - ()()

ni - ()()

nu - ()()

ne - ()()

no - ()()

For this exercise, transcribe these letters into hiragana. All the characters you will need are provided in today’s list of syllables and the syllables of the last post. 1) neko 2) nani 3) tako 4) hai 5) fuufu 6) naka 7) nou 8) hako 9) haha 10) hana

The list for katakana. 1) tesuto 2) nau 3) naito 4) naisu 5) nuudo 6) nou 7) tai 8) tafu 9) hai 10) tsuu

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beenthank said...

PAK. . .yang narsis dikit donk pa. . .

beenthank said...

how are you pak nur. . .