Thursday, February 26, 2009

2 UJP no Nihon-go

I. Tango
What are the meaning these words?

いみ は なん です か

1. ともだち: 。。。。。。。

2. わたしたち:。。。。。。。

3. えんぴつ :。。。。。。

4. ひこうき :。。。。。。。

5. うち:。。。。。。。。

6. としょかん :。。。。。。。

7. めがね :。。。。。。

8. じてんしゃ:。。。。。。。

9. れいぞこ:。。。。。。。

10. ねこ :。。。。。

II. Say in Japanese!
日本ー語 は  なん ですか
1. Diatas meja ada buku dan pulpen
2. Di dalam tas ada paspor dan kaca mata
3. Di sekeliling rumahku ada pohon
4. Guru Nur ada di kantor
5. Siswa ada di dalam kelas

III. しつもんに こたえて ください
Answer the following questions!
1. Dina : せんせいは どこに いますか
  Nia : ............ (じむしょ)

2. Ovi : あなたの かばんお なかに なにが ありますか
Eri : .............. (ペン、ほん)

 3. Tamu : ぎんこう は どこに ありますか
Petugas : ................. (ゆうびんきょく の まえ に)

4. Evi : つくえの したに なに が ありますか
Tio : ................... (ねこ と いぬ)

 5. Cici : あなた は おかねがありますか
   Yuni : はい、。。。。。。。


Friday, February 20, 2009

1UJP no Nihon-go


1. 日本ー語 は なん です か

Translate into Japanese!

1. Ini adalah computer
Komputer ini milik ayahku.
X : Apakah computer itu (dekat) milikmu?
Y : Bukan. Bukan milikku. Milik Guruku.
Orang itu siapa?
Orang itu guruku. Namanya Pak Nurkholis
A : Kamus ini milik siapa?
B : Kamus itu milik Dina
A : Apakah itu?
B : itu adalah sekolahku

2. しつもん に こたえて ください.

Answer the following questions

1. Sensei : おはよう ございます みなs あん
Siswa : …………….

2. Sensei : Dewa、 また あした、 みなさん.
Siswa : ………

3. Gina : それ は なん です か.
Titi : ………. (buku catatan)

4. Rio : この とけい は だれ の です か.
Ria : ……………….. (milikku)

5. Wiwi : あのう ひと は だれ です か.
Cici : …………….. (ayahku)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

About Mr. N

Nurkholis, an English Teacher and a Tour Planner. Brebes Central Java-INDONESIA: Born on 17/03/74, went to Primary School (1981-1986), Junior High School (1986-1989), Went to Senior High School (1989-1992), Tourism Academy (STP Bandung) (1992-1995), Galuh University of Ciamis (2000-2004) & Established ENTRANCE Education Center in Cilacap ■ JAKARTA (2001): TOEIC implementation at SMK, (2002): English Workshop, (2005): Japanese for UJP. CILACAP (2002): Founded English Testing Center (ETC) SMK N 1 Cilacap. (2002 up to now): chief of SMK English Teachers Association in Cilacap. (1996): Began teaching English at SMK N 1 Cilacap ■ USA (2007): Represented Indonesia at the International Teachers Exchange Program on Civil Society and Leadership Program & studied American Education & Democracy in the International Training and Development (ITD) Amherst, Massachussets, USA.

2 TKJ no Nihon-go

Nihon-go wa nan desu ka. (Translate these sentences into Japanese!)

1. Siapakah Anda?
2. Saya Ilham Sanusi.
3. Orang itu siapa?
4. Orang itu Tuan Farid.
5. Tuan Handoko yang mana?
6. Tuan Handoko yang itu.

Shitsumon ni kotaete kudasai. (Answer the following questions!)
1. Anata wa dare desu ka
2. Anata no sensei wa donata desu ka.
3. Anata no tomodachi wa dare desu ka.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Inter-Vocational Schools English Debating Contest

CILACAP; Monday, February 9 2009, English Debating Contest was held in SMK N 1 Cilacap. This activity was sponsored by The Principals Forum (MKKS) SMK Kab. Cilacap. The Head of MKKS, Mr. Kisyamto, observed the venue before the debate started. "The aim of this contest is to select the best team to join the LKS of provincial level" he said.
The contestants were from 12 SMKs, they are;
1. SMK N 1 Cilacap
2. SMK N 2 Cilacap
3. SMK N 1 Wanareja
4. SMK N 1 Nusawungu
5. SMK N 1 Karang Pucung
6. SMK Yos Sudarso Majenang
7. SMK Diponegoro Majenang
8. SMK Muhammadiyah Majenang
9. SMK YPE Cilacap
10. SMK YPE Sampang
11. SMK Budi Utomo Cilacap
12. SMK Komputama Majenang
"To gain the fairness, we invite Adjudicators from SEF UNSOED (6 persons)", said Mr. Nurkholis as the chairman of the contest. Each team consisted of 3 debaters and 1 substitution.The contest run lively and competitively. 4 teams stood in semi final were SMK N 1 Cilacap versus SMK Komputama and SMK N 2 Cilacap versus SMK N 1 Nusawungu. 2 teams stood in final round were SMK N 1 Cilacap versus SMK N 2 Cilacap.

The winners;
1st winner : SMK N 1 Cilacap
2nd winner : SMK N 2 Cilacap
3rd winner : SMK N 1 Nusawungu
4th winner : SMK Komputama Majenang

The debaters of SMK N 1 Cilacap are;
1. Tri Muryani 2 MM1
2. Haryanti 3 MM1
3. Retnowati 3 AK1
4. Ratih 2 MM1
They are going to be sent to join the LKS in provincial level on February 26-28, 2009 in Magelang.
We pray for your success.. Keep debating and catch the gold. Bravo SMK N 1 Cilacap!!